
Fire Regulations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_door

All components are required to adhere to product certification requirements that are acceptable to the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) by meeting the requirements of the local building code and fire code. The regulatory requirement will change from country to country.

For example in the United Kingdom a fire resisting doorset should be sujected to either a British Standard Fire Test BS 476 Part 22 1987, or a BS/EN 1634-1 2000 test. The results are recorded by the test house or Institute and given in a report which will also detail such things as constructional details, distortion data and pressure readings. These tests are applicable to the performance of the specimen tested. It is the Building Regulations approved Document B or British Standards such as the BS 5588 series which lays down the criteria for the fire performance such as 30 minutes FD30 or FD30(S) if cold smoke resistance is required.

Similar technical guidance documents and building regulations are in effect in other countries.


Fire doors are not necessarily all noncombustible. A fire door is but one of many passive fire protection components used to compartmentalise fire and thus keep it in the compartment of origin, so either it runs out of fuel or it is extinguished, or, at the very least, enough time has been bought to enable evacuation of the building.

Fire Door 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - recognized by the HKCSL (Hong Kong Certification Services Limited) to ensure the door quality as well as performance reliability.


Fire Safety in Buildings

REF: Fire Safety in Buildings

Codes of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment

You can download the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment, and the Code of Practice for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment here.

Fire Safety in Composite Buildings / Domestic Buildings (PDF File)

Building owners/occupiers of composite buildings and domestic buildings built before 1987 are required to improve and/or upgrade the building fire service installations to the modern standards. Click here for more details.

Compliance with Fire Safety Requirements in Various Licensed / Registered Premises

Details about fire safety requirements, important advice, common irregularities and performance targets for food premises, places of public entertainment, school premises / child care centre and dangerous goods premises can be found in this webpage.

Loans for Fire Safety Improvement Works

The Building Safety Loan Scheme provides assistance for owners in improving fire or structural safety of their premises or buildings. You can click here for details.

Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors (PDF File)

You can check out this webpage for the classification of FSI contractors, registration procedures and the list of contractors, etc.

Guidelines on Placing Rubbish Bins in Common Areas of Buildings (PDF File)

These guidelines set out a common standard of placing rubbish bins in common areas and staircase of domestic or composite buildings to ensure fire safety and hygiene.


Fire-resistance glass 防火玻璃

防火玻璃 Fire-resistance glass
引用 : http://baike.baidu.com/view/595329.htm

英文名:Anti-fire Glass | 又名: Fire-resistance glass


A類 同時滿足耐火完整性、耐火隔熱性要求的防火玻璃。包括複合型防火玻璃和灌注型防火玻璃兩種。 此類玻璃具有透光、防火(隔煙、隔火、遮擋熱輻射)、隔聲、抗衝擊性能,適用於建築裝飾鋼木防火門、窗、上亮、隔斷牆、採光頂、擋煙垂壁、透視地板及其他需要既透明又防火的建築組件中。
B類 船用防火玻璃,包括舷窗防火玻璃和矩形窗防火玻璃,外表面玻璃板是鋼化安全玻璃,內表面玻璃板材料類型可任意選擇。
C類 只滿足耐火完整性要求的單片防火玻璃。 此類玻璃具有透光、防火、隔煙、強度高等特點。適用於無隔熱要求的防火玻璃隔斷牆、防火窗、室外幕牆等。

復合防火玻璃 (干法)
防火原理: 火災發生時,向火面玻璃遇高溫後很快炸裂,其防火膠夾層相繼發泡膨脹十倍左右,形成堅硬的乳白色泡狀防火膠板,有效地阻斷火焰,隔絕高溫及有害氣體。成品品可磨邊、打孔、改尺切割。 
適用於外窗、外幕牆時,設計方案應考慮防火玻璃與PVB夾層玻璃組合使用。 適用範圍: 建築物房間、走廊、通道的防火門窗及防火分區和重要部位防火隔斷牆。
防火原理: 遇高溫以後,玻璃中間透明膠凍狀的防火膠層會迅速硬結,形成一張不透明的防火隔熱板。在阻止火焰蔓延的同時,也阻止高溫向背火面傳導。 此類防火玻璃不僅具有防火隔熱性能,而且隔聲效果出眾。可加工成弧形。
重要提示: 玻璃四周顯露黑色密封邊框,適用於周邊壓條鑲嵌安裝。 用於無遮擋的正陽面和西照面外窗時,事前諮詢製造商,徵求合理建議。


單片銫鉀防火玻璃,是通過特殊化學處理在高溫狀態下進行二十多小時離子交換,替換了玻璃表面的金屬鈉,形成低膨脹硅酸鹽玻璃,膨脹係數為1.8*10-6/0F (3.24*10-6/K),故具備高效的抗熱性能,同時通過物理處理後,玻璃表面形成高強的壓應力,大大提高了抗衝擊強度,當玻璃破碎時呈現微小顆粒狀態,減少對人體造成傷害!單片銫鉀防火玻璃的強度是普通玻璃的6-12倍,是鋼化玻璃的1.5-3倍!


Fire door Components

Fire door

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_door

A fire door is a type of door or movable barrier used as part of a passive fire protection system within buildings to prevent the spread of fire or smoke between separate sections. It is usually the only means of allowing people to pass through a fire-resistant wall.


Fire doors may be made of a combination of materials, such as:

* timber
* steel
* gypsum (as an endothermic fill)
* vermiculite-boards
* glass sections

Apart from the door leaf (the swinging panel of the door) there is the door frame which also has to meet fire rated regulations, intumescent strips, smoke seals, door hardware and the structure that holds the fire door assembly in place. Together, these components form an assembly, typically called a "doorset" which holds a rating, in hours, specifying the amount of time it is able to resist a fire at a given temperature. All of the components of the fire door assembly must bear a listing agencies label (with the exception of ball bearing hinges which meet the basic build requirements of ANSI 156.2 and NFPA 80) to ensure the components have been tested to meet the fire rating requirements.

Door hardware

Door hardware includes, but is not limited to:

* Automatic closing devices.
* Ball bearing hinges.
* Positive latching mechanism.


Edges of a fire door usually need to have fire rated seals which can be composed of:

* An intumescent strip, which expands when exposed to heat
* Neoprene weatherstripping
* Gaskets to prevent the passage of smoke

Intumescent seals are crucial in maintaining the performance of a fire resistant door, and as such, the correct seal should always be used. Seals may vary in chemical composition, expansion rate, expansion volume, and/or charring characteristics.


Some fire doors are equipped with internal windows which also have a rating, or have been incorporated at the time of the door test and be subject to the overall door's product certification. Fire-resistive windows must remain intact under fire conditions and hose stream impact resistance, and can include:

* Wire mesh glass
* Liquid sodium silicate fills between two window panes
* Ceramic glasses
* Borosilicate glass

Wired glass typically withstands the fire, whereas the sodium silicate liquid also acts to insulate heat transfer, due to the endothermic action of this chemical.

Fire Door 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - recognized by the HKCSL (Hong Kong Certification Services Limited) to ensure the door quality as well as performance reliability.


Fire Safety in the Home

Fire Safety in the Home

ref: http://www.housingauthority.gov.hk/hdw/en/aboutus/events/firesafety05/tips_handbookA.htm

(1) Kitchens / Bathrooms


Stove should be kept clear of odds and ends such as waste papers and other combustibles.
Stove should be regularly cleaned to prevent grease accumulation.


Store cooking fuel such as liquefied petroleum gas and kerosene (not more than one container at any time) well away from the stove and sources of heat.
Kerosene must be stored in metal containers and tightly closed.
Never fill a kerosene stove or heater when it is alight.


Take extra care when cooking. Beware of burning and boiling over.
Do not leave your cooking unattended, especially for pans of fat or cooking oil.
Always switch off the stove before leaving the premises.

Gas appliances

Installation should be carried out by qualified technicians. Make sure that the area is well ventilated. In case of a gas leak:
Turn off the gas supply at the pressure regulator switch only. Do not touch or operate the ignition switch.
Open all windows and doors wide to disperse the gas.
Do not use the telephone or operate any electrical switches.
Do not use the telephone or operate any electrical switches.
If the gas leak is serious, or if you are unsure of the reason, leave the premises at once and dial 999 to seek help from the Fire Services Department. Notify your neighbours to evacuate, but do not press any doorbells.
If the gas leak stops after the gas supply is turned off, call your gas supplier for thorough checking.


Unplug the refrigerator and get rid of the dust on the motor and compressor at regular intervals.
Older models which exhaust air from the rear should be spaced away from the wall to allow for dissipation of heat.

Kitchen Doors

Do not remove or replace kitchen doors which provide fire resistant qualities.


Open the bathroom windows to facilitate ventilation if balanced flue gas water heater is in operation.

(2) Electrical Appliances and Electric Circuits


Before installing air-conditioners, examine the power consumption to avoid overloading.

Electrical Appliances

Avoid prolonged use of air-conditioners, electric fans and televisions, etc.
Allow sufficient space behind your TVs, Hi-Fi sets, refrigerators and microwave ovens and around the ventilation openings for heat dissipation.
Disconnect the electrical appliances from the power socket when not in use (except for refrigerators).


Never place the heater too close to beds, curtains or settees.
Do not dry your clothes on top of the heater.
Place portable heaters securely so that they would not be knocked down easily.


Always handle power points, switches and plugs with dry hands.
Never connect too many plugs to the same socket to avoid overloading.

Electric Wiring

Should not attempt to extend electric wires.
Avoid placing them in passage ways or under heavy furniture. Do not run them under rugs and carpets.

Make a habit of checking all the installations regularly, or having them checked at least once a year.
In case of short circuit, it should be checked by a qualified electrician without delay.

(3) Daily Life

Matches and Lighters

Keep matches and cigarette lighters out of the reach of children and warn children against playing with them.


Cigarette ends and matches must be properly extinguished before disposal in the ashtrays.

Cigarette ends

Never smoke in bed as mattresses could be set on fire by a lighted cigarette.

Foam rubber or fabric-mounted furniture

Pay special attention to foam rubber or fabric-mounted sofas or chairs because they can be easily ignited by a lighted cigarette end, thus causing a fire and giving out toxic gases and smoke.


The overheating of left-on-and-forgotten irons would often set scorched clothes on fire, especially if the ironing board is made of wood and covered with a cloth.

Burning joss sticks and joss papers

Joss sticks and papers should be burnt inside a metal container, clear of combustibles such as waste papers and carton boxes.
All ashes must be extinguished thoroughly before disposal.

Home Decoration

Use non-flammables or materials that are not combustible easily.
Avoid replacing fire resistant fixtures such as kitchen doors and main doors.
Do not change the usage of balcony.


Do not install fixed window grilles so that the windows can be opened easily for rescue in case of fire.

Check around before going to bed

Make sure that all gas appliances and kerosene stoves are switched off and cigarettes extinguished.
Make sure that all electrical appliances such as fans, televisions and portable heaters are either switched off or unplugged.

JB Fire Door 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - recognized by the HKCSL (Hong Kong Certification Services Limited) to ensure the door quality as well as performance reliability.


Safety in Case of Fire

What to Do in Case of Fire

ref: http://www.housingauthority.gov.hk/hdw/en/aboutus/events/firesafety05/Home_firetips_escape.htm

If there is a fire in your flat
Keep calm and tell everyone in your flat to leave.
Close all doors after you left your flat to prevent the spread of fire.
Activate the firm alarm by breaking the Break Glass with hard object and yell "Fire".

Call the Fire Services Department by dialing "999" when you are safe.
Use the emergency exits in the opposite direction of the fire.
Use the stairway behind the smoke door to leave the building.

If you find smoke on your way down the stairs
Leave that stairway as soon as you can and use another stairway if it is clear of smoke.
If you can't use any stairway, return to your flat if you can, or bang on other flat doors until you find a place to take shelter.
Remember, wherever you are, if there is smoke, crawl close to the floor. The air is fresher near the floor.

If you remain in your unit
Keep smoke from entering your unit. Use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place wet towels at the bottom. Seal vents or air ducts the same way.
Show your rescuers where you are by waving eye-catching clothes from the balcony or window.

The Three Don'ts

Do not use the lift.
Do not wedge open the smoke door on your way escaping from the building, otherwise the smoke will spread quickly.
Do not go back to your flat to collect valuables.


Familiarize with the escape route

Familiarize with the direction and routing of the means of escape to well-prepared for quick evacuation.
Participate in fire drills to help identify the escape route.

JB Fire Door 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - recognized by the HKCSL (Hong Kong Certification Services Limited) to ensure the door quality as well as performance reliability.


Sherex Fire Door - 瑞益防火建材| 防火門, 防火玻璃門網站導航

Fire Door

瑞益防火建材 防火門, 防火玻璃門, Fire Door


瑞益防火建材 產品認證:通過防火效能測試,由香港認可處HOKLAS計劃之認可合資格的測試中心進行防火測試


兆達JB Fire Door防火門,防火玻璃 | 防火工程公司 網頁地圖

Fire Door

完善可靠防火產品: 防火門, 防火玻璃門產品認證:兆達防火工程公司所有產品均獲香港屋宇署認可之國際測試機構認證,及具備有效測試報告。

防火門 : Fire Door 網頁地圖

兆達防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - 榮獲香港認證服務有限公司頒發之國際質量標準 ISO:9001:2000,確保產品及工程服務之質素。