
Fire-rated board system 什麼是防火板

Fire-rated board system

防火板又稱耐火板,它是由表層紙+色紙+多層牛皮紙構成的,它以鉋花板或是中密度板為基材,主要採用歐美品牌的「威盛亞」「富美家」「西德板」防火膠板為 貼面,通過加壓基材鉋花板加工成為門板,防(耐)火板貼面門板是較早被運用到廚櫃門板表面的材料,曾經是門板的主流材料,具有耐火性能,具備耐熱,阻燃, 耐磨,抗滲透,容易清洗,色彩豐富等特點。

再談威盛亞,美國威盛亞防火板是高溫高壓加工而成,是在溫度160攝氏每平方釐米壓制90公斤,壓制時間為70分鐘,有些防火板是中溫低壓加工而成,在溫 度為100攝氏度以下,每平方釐米壓制90公斤,壓制時間為40分鐘,相比之下,這種防火板的壓制溫度和時間上不如威盛亞的防火板,因而比較容易彎曲,斷 裂,威盛亞的表層紙和色紙都是通過三聚氫胺溶液浸泡過的,耐磨耐高溫性能很高,瞬間160度沒問題,耐轉數達700轉,才露出裡面的基材,國家標準是 400轉,(用鋼絲球在防火板上面磨擦)才露出裡面的基材,並且,它的顏色達到800多種,分為亮面和麻面,還有金屬面的,選擇的餘地很大,威盛亞公司採 用專門做防火板的牛皮紙,具有更高抗衝擊性和更強的柔韌性,由於防火膠板作為正面的貼面居多,反而粘貼較簿的防火板,正反兩張防火板的厚度不一會導致受力 不均衡而容易產生彎曲變形等現象,如粘貼操作不當還容易脫膠,開裂等

防火板型門板是目前用得最多的門板材料,它的顏色比較鮮豔,封邊形式多樣,具有耐磨、耐高溫、耐剮、抗滲透、容易清潔、防潮、不褪色、觸感細膩、價格實惠 等優點。防火板門板基材為鉋花板、防潮板或密度板,表面飾以防火板貼面。國產防火門板價格較低,韓國板材和德國板材的成本則要增加25%和50%左右。防 火板符合櫥櫃「美觀實用」相結合的發展趨勢,因此在市場上長盛不衰。其缺點是門板為平板,無法創造凹凸、金屬等立體效果,時尚感稍差。防火板是採用硅質材 料或鈣質材料為主要原料,與一定比例的纖維材料、輕質骨料、黏合劑和化學添加劑混合,經蒸壓技術製成的裝飾板材。


Sherex Fire Door Fire Proof Products:Promat Fire-rated board system | Durasteel Fire-rated board system

Sherex fire Proof Material Co.:

防火門 | Fire Door

防火門及窗產品 | 防火產品 | 防火五金產品 | 產品認證

Joint Billion :Fire Door


Forbes - Fire Rated Steel Door System

Fire-Rated Steel Door System

Fire Rated Steel Door System

Ref: Fire Door Album

(Fire Resistance Period Up to 4 hrs Integrity and 1 hr Insulation, according to BS476 : Part22 : 1987 standard)

  • "Forbes" Doors are our newly developed quality fire-rated steel door systems. The door systems are manufactured under strict quality control in the production process, achieving the international standard ISO 9001:2000.
  • "Forbes" Doors Manufacturing Plant is the first steel door manufacturer in Hong Kong certified under the new "Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Fire Doors" recognized by the HKCSL (Hong Kong Certification Services Limited) to ensure the door quality as well as performance reliability. (Drawing 1)
  • "Forbes" Doors are supplied with various desired color facings in powder coating or PVF coating etc. to give extra aesthetic appearances on the design of office premises.
  • The Honeycomb-core inter-locked together to provide a strong but light in weight doors that could resist normal level of imposed loading. (Drawing 2)


Joint Billion Fire Door, 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - awarded the internationally recognized ISO:9001:2000 certification


Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Passive Fire Protection Products

Product certification

Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Passive Fire Protection Products (PCCS-PFPP:001)

The certification is made according to specific requirements and testing standards devised by Hong Kong Certification Services Limited (HKCSL) to monitor quality and implement production management system. The Hong Kong Certification Services Limited inspects factory every year and conducts sampling tests to check if the products conform to specific requirements and testing standards.

The certification is carried out to protect consumers from buying substandard products and ensure products on the market meet certain standards.

  1. Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS) publishes standards and requirements for certification

  2. Sherex Fire-proof Material Factory presents company's information and data about the fire-rated door

    • HKAS designates a qualified testing center to carry out fire-rated test to check if the product conforms to BS476 : Part 22 : 1987 (a testing standard).
    • HKCSL evaluates production and management system of the factory.

Sherex Fire-Proof Material Co : Joint Billion Fire Door 防火門

防火門 | Fire Door

防火門及窗產品 | 防火產品 | 防火五金產品 | 產品認證


UNI Door - Fire Rated Timber Door System

UNI-DOOR Fire-Rated Timber Door SystemFire Testing Centre

Ref: Fire Door Album

Fire-Rated Timber Door System

(Fire Resistance Period Up to 2 hrs Integrity and Insulation, according to BS476 : Part22 : 1987 standard)

Extensive Fire Test at Testing Centre

The Core materials basically comprise high density solid hardwood that is strong enough to accommodate the FRP standard as well as durability.

Fire-Rate Timber Door Specification:

  • Intumescent seals are installed either around door leaf or door frame to seal up the door gaps in case of fire.
  • Clear glazing of various shapes could be designed and installed on the fire-rated doors to provide vision and design function.
  • Alternative proprietary environmental core with more than 50% reduction in the usage of timber could be provided to provide same fire resisting performance as well as environmental protective function.
  • Excellent flexibility in the selection of decorative facings, such as timber veneers or plastic laminated facing.
  • Comprehensive range of Ironmongery sets are available for specification and used in different door functions.

Joint Billion Fire Door, 防火門防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - awarded the internationally recognized ISO:9001:2000 certification