

引用 : http://www.nfa.gov.tw/Show.aspx?MID=16&UID=26&PID=16

住宅防火 居家生活注意事項

  1. 揮發性之油類【汽油、酒精、香蕉油、溶劑油等】,最易引起火災,切勿放在家中。
  2. 住宅四周巷道,違章建築或擅自設攤販,均會影響消防救災,應隨時向有關單位檢舉取締,以維護公共安全。
  3. 家庭應自備滅火器,並熟悉使用方法以備不時之需;裝璜、裝修或隔間,應使用防火材料及防焰物品,以免火警時產生濃煙烈焰影響逃生。
  4. 廚房之塵垢油污應隨時清除、煙囟及油煙通風管等,必須加裝鐵絲紗罩,以減少油脂進入通風管道內。如設有煙囟,距離屋頂須有適當高度,以免火屑飛散,引起火災。
  5. 廚房之牆壁、天花板與灶台等,均應使用不燃性防火材料建造,廚房內並應設置ABC乾粉滅火器。
  6. 房屋內部隔間、地板、天花板等裝璜,宜使用不燃性材料或經防火處理之耐燃材料;另地毯、窗簾等,宜選購具有防焰標示之防焰物品。
  7. 不可在住家從事爆竹煙火之廠外加工。
  8. 樓房窗戶裝置防竊鐵窗或廣告招牌等,容易妨礙逃生,如已裝有鐵窗者,應開設一逃生口,當逃生口上鎖時,應讓全家人均知道鑰匙位置,並定期或不定期予以保養。
  9. 汽車應自備ABC乾粉滅火器,以備滅火。禁止於川堂或公共門廳停放機車,以免影響緊急避難逃生。
  10. 梯間、通道及陽台勿堆積易燃物品,以免助長火災蔓延及影響逃生安全。


  1. 亂丟菸蒂易發生危險,床上吸菸更易失火燒身,吸菸人士務必養成隨手熄滅煙蒂之習慣。
  2. 大人外出切勿將小孩反鎖在家,火柴、打火機等須放在安全處所,以免小孩玩火,引起火災。
  3. 睡前和外出切記消防安全檢查,關閉電氣、熄滅火源。
  4. 生火取暖或以蚊香薰趕蚊蟲,易引起火災,務必小心處理。
  5. 燃放爆竹,最易引起火災,應儘量避免,如必須燃放時,應遠離易燃物品,切勿讓孩童任意玩放。
  6. 作飯、燒菜時儘量避免離開現場;當油鍋起火時,應立即將鍋蓋蓋上或用濕毛巾覆蓋,切勿用水直接潑澆撲救。


  1. 防止電線短路,定期維護保護。
  2. 使用瓦斯養成隨手關閉之習慣。
  3. 神桌燈燭長期使用,注意防範電線破損或過熱。
  4. 祭祖焚燒紙錢,使用容器裝盛,避免被風吹散造成意外。
  5. 注意住宅附近可疑人物,居家四週不要堆積易燃物,機車避免置放於騎樓,避免遭人縱火。


  1. 家人共同討論,考量家中可能之起火場所,選定二方向逃生路線,以預防主要出入口無法逃生時,能經由其它方向之門窗,至室外安全集合地點集。
  2. 假如窗戶有裝置鐵窗,應預留可開啟之逃生口,並教導家中每一個人都能快速開啟結,並確保每個家庭成員都能知道屋外集合地點。
  3. 平時準備妥適之簡易居家防災器具,並瞭解其相關位置,做好維護保養,確保相關設備及器具能發生應有功能。
  4. 製作緊急聯絡電話卡,保持常新,讓家中成員隨身攜帶乙張,或擺放於固定位置,俾便緊急時,容易取得。

Sherex Fire-Proof Material Co : Joint Billion Fire Door 防火門

防火門 | Fire Door

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Fire Log: Leaving The Damper Door Closed

ref : http://belmont.patch.com/articles/fire-log-leaving-the-damper-door-closed

Gas on School Street
Feb. 2 – At 1:03 a.m., Engine 1, Rescue 1, and other units were dispatched to a School Street two family to investigate a CO detector activation. Engine 1 reported CO readings of 40 parts per million (ppm) in the basement and low levels on the first floor. Rescue 1 reported readings of 8-15 ppm on the second floor. The commander at the scene requested the gas company to the scene. Both burner units were shut down and red tagged and companies ventilated. Engine 1 discovered that the vent ducts to each burner unit were partially blocked by snow. Gas company arrived on scene and readings returned to normal after several minutes of ventilation. Homeowner advised of the red tag process and to have his burner units checked by a qualified service technician. The homeowner was also advised to clear the snow from around his vent and basement door.
Boiler overflow
Feb. 2 – At 8:50 a.m., units were dispatched to an Upland Road where the tenant on the first floor left the water fill for the boiler open. There was an oil burner technician on scene when companies arrived.
Leaking icy water
Feb. 2 – At 12:32 p.m., firefighters were dispatched to a Betts Road dwelling where it was discovered that the resident had water leak through the ceiling of first floor rear addition due to ice build-up.
24 inches of snow on the carport
Feb. 2 – At 1:42 p.m., units were dispatched to another Betts Road house to investigate the structural integrity of a carport roof. The roof had approximately 24" of snow and ice on it but did not show any signs of structural damage. The homeowner was advised to have the snow and ice removed to prevent any damage.
Checking leak, finds burner on and unattended
Feb. 2 – At 6:20 p.m., fire equipment was dispatched to a Beech Street multifamily dwelling. The incident was determined to be a water problem. A pipe to a water filtration system under the sink of the third floor unit had broken. Entry into the house was gained to the third floor unit by forcing a window on the third floor porch, damaging the window lock and the window. The third floor tenant had also left a burner to the stove on, and this burner was shut off. Water had leaked through the third floor to the second floor, the first floor and the basement. All of the affected electrical fixtures were shut down. The wire inspector responded and notified people in all three units to contact an electrician. The water also ran through the fire alarm panel showing a ground fault. The fire alarm system was red tagged. A member of the condo association was notified to have the alarm company repair the system.
Still standing on Rutledge
Feb. 4 – At 6:42 p.m., firefighters were dispatched to a Rutledge Road house. A caller reported to dispatchers a possible structure collapse at this location with an occupant inside. Firefighters found the structure to be sound and the occupant OK.
Faulty burners
Feb. 4 – At 7:55 p.m., fire units were dispatched to a Leslie Road dwelling for a gas leak inside the house. On arrival, Engine 1 investigated and found levels of 10-40 ppm throughout dwelling. Gas systems were shut down and dwelling was ventilated. National Grid was notified and responded. The first floor heating unit was found to be the source of CO in the dwelling. The unit was red tagged and the gas supply shut off. The homeowner was told to notify a technician for service.
Dampers need to be opened
Feb. 4 – At 9:26 p.m., firefighters were dispatched to Fitzmaurice Circle for smoke inside the house. It was discovered that the source of the smoke came from a fire in the fireplace in which the damper door was closed, filling the dwelling with smoke and setting off the fire alarm system.
Ice backup
Feb. 5 – At 4:12 p.m., units were dispatched to a Davis Street multifamily for a reported water problem. On arrival, personnel investigated and found water seeping into the second floor ceiling due to snow and ice piled on a flat roof. No structural damage was noticed. The occupant stated the landlord was aware of situation and arranging to fix the problem. Occupant was advised to stay out of the room until the ceiling and water leak fixed.
Water in alarm
Feb. 5 – At 7:27 p.m., fire units were dispatched to a Greensbrook Way house for an activated alarm. The incident was determined to be an alarm system ‘s alarm going off due to a malfunction: water was dripping into a smoke detector due to an ice dam problem on the roof.
Inside ashes leads to outside fire
Feb. 5 – At 8:15 p.m., Engine 2 and other units from the Belmont Fire Department were dispatched to an Amherst Road house to investigate a reported outside fire. The homeowner on the scene reports taking ash from his fireplace after burning a fire and placing it outside and away from his home. Engine 2 extinguished any remaining fire and the incident was determined to be a special outside fire.

Sherex Fire-Proof Material Co : Joint Billion Fire Door 防火門

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ANSI Seeks Public Comments on Fire Door Revision

Ref: http://www.professionaldoordealer.com/news/2011/01/ansi-seeks-public-comments-on-fire-door-revision.aspx

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is looking for public comments relating to fire doors.

ANSI, which oversees the creation, circulation and use of thousands of guidelines in several industries, is considering several proposals sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Proposal BSR/NFPA 252-201x, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies is a revision of ANSI/NFPA 252-2007. The revision prescribes standardized fire and hose stream test procedures that apply to fire-door assemblies intended to be used to retard the spread of fire through door openings in fire-resistive walls.

All comments must be received by March 4, and will be included in the semi-annual NFPA Report on Comments. Comments and proposals can be submitted online to NFPA’s website.

The revision can be reviewed on the ANSI website, www.ansi.org.

Sherex Fire-Proof Material Co : Joint Billion Fire Door 防火門

防火門 | Fire Door

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