
Fire and Smoke Door Inspections, repairs and replacements

Ref. : http://pr-usa.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=724422&Itemid=34

Brand Services, LLC offers all Fire Protection Services for all passive fire and safety needs which includes Fire and Smoke Damper inspection, fire door, fire stopping and facility maintenance services by its trained, certified and experienced technicians. Since 15 years Brand Services, LLC is delivering code-complaint fire protection and safety services that protect the building residents as well as owner’s investment. It is a certified Women Owned Business Enterprise which specializes in installing and maintaining passive fire protection and safety systems which include the inspection, installation, repair and maintenance of Firestops, Fireproofing, Fire and Smoke Dampers, Fire Doors, and Thermal Insulation. We have highly skilled, trained and certified technicians for assessing, repairing and maintaining all the components of fire system and equipments so we deliver all the services perfectly. One of our major services offered is detailed Fire and Smoke Door Inspections, Repairs and Replacements. Our certified inspectors thoroughly inspects the Fire Door and its important components which are necessary to be inspected to make sure that it works properly at the time of unexpected fire occurring. Moreover, précised documentation is also provided by us. The Master Report of Brand Services includes Inspection Report, Deficiency Report and Summary Report. Our services are available at many areas including New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington D.C, Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, North and South Carolina serving numerous industries like healthcare, education, industrial, commercial and pharmaceutical companies. We have worked in many facilities for inspecting, repairing, replacing, upgrading and applying new applications performed by our full time inspectors and technicians.

Sherex Fire-Proof Material Co : Joint Billion Fire Door 防火門

防火門 | Fire Door

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