Ref: Fire Door Album
ThermoSafe / Forbes Fire-Rated Glass - Quality Glass
Glass deserves the existence to provide space and transparent solution for most interior designers.
On top of this application, Fire Resisting Performance is essential to keep out of the potential fire and smoke in an isolated area.
When subject to heat condition, the interlayer resin intumesces and solidifies to form an opaque barrier that protects the non-fire side of the glazed panel from radiated heat and the possibility of spontaneous combustion on the non-fire side, allowing safe evacuation of the escape corridor.
Different from other fire resistant glass in the market, ThermoSafe offers Excellent Optical Quality and Maximum Light Transmission. Moreover, it exhibits a wide range of glasses for selection of up to 120 minutes fire rated period performance. (Complied with BS 476 Part 22: 1987)
Fire-Rated Glass Features:
1. Integrity and Insulation Glass
2. Clear glass with no distortion of free vision
3. Sound reduction property
4. UV Filter glazed property
5. Life-long stable performance property
6. “Class A” Safety Glass property in BS6206
7. Pigmented or Patterned to give natural color selection.
Joint Billion Fire Door, 防火門, 防火玻璃門 產品認證 (PCCS-FD) - awarded the internationally recognized ISO:9001:2000 certification